<![CDATA[News]]> https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/category/news en Wed, 19 Mar 2025 07:26:56 +0000 Saffron looks to the future - plus making the perfect curry https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/saffron-looks-to-the-future https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/saffron-looks-to-the-future <p class="u-lead">As the government start to relax the laws for businesses we continue to monitor the guidelines. The latest information suggests that we are able to offer a collection service, taking into account social distancing guidelines, of orders taken online or over the phone.</p> <p>This is encouraging news which we will be adapting our service to accommodate in due course. Keep an eye out for updates on our Facebook page.</p> <h2>Final Week of Ramadan</h2> <p><img class="u-imgRight" src="filemanager/Blog Images/eid-ul-fitr.png" alt="Happy eid ul fitr text with image of lantern." width="400" height="266" /></p> <p>We are now in our final week of Ramadan. What is usually shared with our friends and family as we gather to break the fast each day has been restricted to our household due to the coronavirus lockdown.</p> <p>This holy month is brought to a close with the Eid-ul-Fitr celebration, also known as the "Festival of Breaking the Fast", where families would normally come together to celebrate the month’s achievements. </p> <p>Of course, this year it will not be possible which saddens us, but the current situation has highlighted the message behind Ramadan of encouraging acts of kindness and generosity.</p> <h2>DIY Curry</h2> <p class="u-lead">If you are feeling creative why not try making your own curry? Here are some of our top tips for making the perfect curry.</p> <p><strong>Fresh spices</strong> – It is essential to use fresh ingredients. Chuck away those spices lingering in the back of the cupboard.</p> <p><strong>How hot?</strong> – Getting the balance of heat right can be difficult and chillies can vary hugely. The heat of a chilli reduces during cooking, so for a milder curry add your chillies earlier.</p> <p><strong>Fry your spices first</strong> – Spices must be fried thoroughly to prevent them tasting harsh and gritty, but be careful not to let them burn. If they start to look dry, add a few more drops of oil or water.</p> <p><strong>Garam Massala</strong> – Generally it is better to add this at the end as it works on an aromatic level, so stir in a little just before serving to release those fresh aromas.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="filemanager/Blog Images/diy-curry.jpg" alt="Indian spices." width="900" height="338" /></p> <p><strong>Thick silky sauces</strong> – Try adding tomato puree, coconut milk or yoghurt as a natural thickener. You can also throw in some ground almonds or peanuts to really give your sauce a boost.</p> <p><strong>Slow cooking</strong> – Take your time when creating a curry. Cook your onions slowly until soft and then increase the heat to colour them. A curry cooked slowly allows for the flavours to fully develop for a richer taste.</p> <p>However, if you are looking for the perfect curry and have no time to make it, pick up the phone or go online and <a title="Order Online" href="https://order.saffronsalisbury.co.uk">order one of our delicious curries</a> instead!</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Blog Images/diy-curry-quote.png" alt="Quote about liking curry." width="400" height="321" /></p> <h2>Mental Health Awareness Week</h2> <p>This week is Mental Health Awareness week where people are encouraged to be kind, to give and to be compassionate towards others. The kindness that has been shown during this challenging time has been inspirational; from our key workers working in the frontline, neighbours checking in on residents in their street and strangers offering their time to make someone else’s life a little richer through a phone call or delivering a parcel.</p> <p>Let’s not forgot that the little acts of kindness often cost nothing but can make a big impact on another.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Blog Images/mental-health-awareness.png" alt="Mental health awareness week image." width="400" height="262" /></p> <h2>Our Online Activity</h2> <p>Over the past few months, we have been sharing more and more information, pictures and advice across our social media and it has been a pleasure to receive such positive feedback and engagement from our followers. Please continue to comment and like our posts as we do read them all. </p> <p class="u-lead">As always, please feel free to <a title="Contact us" href="contact">get in touch</a> giving us your feedback and by sharing by using the social media buttons in this post.</p> <h3>Stay Safe Everyone!</h3> Thu, 21 May 2020 00:00:00 +0000 The Saffron family continue to deliver https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/the-saffron-family-continue-to-deliver https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/the-saffron-family-continue-to-deliver <p class="u-lead">As we enter a further few weeks of uncertainty life is becoming more and more of a struggle for many. Key workers are becoming weary, many businesses are still unable to reopen and children are desperate to see their friends and return to school. Our team at Saffron continue to work hard to deliver a great service to our customers.</p> <p>Here are some highlights from our week.</p> <h2>VE Day</h2> <p>This past bank holiday weekend saw many people coming together (whilst adhering to social distancing) to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day. Order levels were high for us and we thank everyone for their continued support and patience.</p> <h2>We Have A Winner!</h2> <p><img class="u-imgRight" src="filemanager/Blog Images/family-deliver-01.jpg" alt="Lamb bhuna on a table." width="150" height="auto" /></p> <p>Thank you to everyone who took part in our Giveaway competition. Our winner is Sophie Cox who shared her Lamb Tikka Bhuna on our Facebook page! Sophie will be receiving her free meal very soon, well done!</p> <h2>Ramadan Update</h2> <p>We are now on Day 21 of Ramadan. Ramadan is a 30 day fast so not too long to go. One of the key learnings from Ramadan is empathy for those less fortunate than ourselves and to encourage actions of kindness, generosity and giving to charity. It is heart-warming to see so many acts of kindness shared every day throughout Salisbury.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Blog Images/family-deliver-02.jpg" alt="Selection of curries with inspirational quote." width="800" height="251" /></p> <h2>Wivenhoe Go Online!</h2> <p>Last month our Wivenhoe branch successfully launched their takeaway service due to the lockdown that is in place. The support they have received from their local community has been fantastic. Due to the high demand they are in the process of setting up another online ordering service, details of which will be shared soon.</p> <h2>FAQs</h2> <p>We have been receiving a number of questions recently from our customers and felt this would be a good way of sharing and answering a few of them. Please keep sending us your queries, we will do our best to respond to you as quickly as we can.</p> <p><strong>What is the best way to place an order?</strong></p> <p>Bookings can be taken over the phone, via email or online via our website, mobile app or Just Eat. We urge our customers to book on our website or via our mobile app, especially during busy times. Bookings made via our website or app will enable customers to receive a 10% discount off their meal.</p> <p>Please note, the discount does not apply for bookings made on the Just Eat website, over the phone or email.</p> <p><strong>Does the NHS Discount code still apply?</strong></p> <p>Yes, we continue to support all NHS and emergency services key workers. Please email us at <a title="Email us" href="mailto:saffron.salisbury@outlook.com">saffron.salisbury@outlook.com</a> for the code.</p> <p>Valid ID will need to be presented to our drivers when they deliver orders.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Blog Images/NHS-discount.png" alt="Nhs discount graphic." width="450" height="140" /></p> <p><strong>Can we collect orders?</strong></p> <p>No, we are not currently taking collections or waiting orders due to social distancing. However, occasionally we have customers arriving at our door whom we have not turned away, but advised them to adhere to the social distancing measures whilst they collect their food. We urge all of our customers to be mindful that we should only be offering delivery only at this time.</p> <p><strong>Can I have items gluten free?</strong></p> <p>Yes, we can offer a range of gluten free dishes. Please inform us when you place your order either over the phone or by using the comments section online.</p> <p><strong>How long do I have to wait for my food to arrive?</strong></p> <p>On a weekday we aim to be with you in 40 – 50 minutes. However, this can increase to one hour during peak periods and weekends.</p> <p><strong>Where can I follow you online?</strong></p> <p><img class="u-imgRight" src="filemanager/Blog Images/socials.png" alt="Social media icons." width="300" height="168" /></p> <p>You can find us on:</p> <p><a title="Facebook" href="https://www.facebook.com/SaffronSalisbury/">Facebook (@SaffronSalisbury)</a></p> <p><a title="Instagran" href="https://www.instagram.com/saffronsalisbury/">Instagram (@saffronsalisbury)</a></p> <p><a title="Twitter" href="https://twitter.com/takeawaysaffron">Twitter (@TakeawaySaffron)</a></p> <p>We would love you to follow us! </p> <h2>Our future plans</h2> <p>We were in the process of reviewing our menu offering and pricing, however due to the COVID-19 outbreak we have had to place any changes on hold for now. We hope to be able to share with you our new menu later in the year.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Blog Images/gandhi-quote.png" alt="Ghandi quote about future and present." width="940" height="788" /></p> <p class="u-lead">With our continued best wishes to you all and those closest to you.</p> <h3>Stay safe everyone!</h3> Thu, 14 May 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Celebration, sustainability & a touch of rice magic! https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/celebration-sustainability-and-a-touch-of-rice-magic https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/celebration-sustainability-and-a-touch-of-rice-magic <p class="u-lead">As recycle centres start to reopen across the UK our thoughts return to a plastic pollution. This is a topic very close to our hearts as many of our followers know. At the beginning of the year, we worked in collaboration with Plastic Pollution Awareness and Action Projects (PPAAP) to help raise awareness of plastics being used by the food industry, in particular takeaways.</p> <p>Being able to operate sustainably is important to us as a business. We have been working hard to reduce our plastic waste, reuse as much as possible and recycle responsibly.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="filemanager/Blog Images/rrr_recycle.png" alt="Reuse, reduce recycle graphic." width="800" height="600" /></p> <p>We want to encourage all our customers to do the same, here are some ideas:</p> <ul> <li>Any leftover food could be composted or if appropriate, donated to a local food bank.</li> <li>Reuse your carrier bags. We are moving away from single-use plastic bags as much as possible, however, if you do receive a delivery in a plastic bag ensure you recycle it appropriately.</li> <li>Many supermarkets now offer plastic bag recycling. Don’t bin them, save them and next time you are passing a supermarket drop them off.</li> <li>Our food containers are made of aluminium and can be recycled with your normal recycling bin. Please ensure you wash them first.</li> </ul> <p><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="filemanager/Blog Images/recycle_icon.png" alt="Green recycle graphic." width="150" height="145" /></p> <h2>Eid-ul-Fitr Celebrations</h2> <p>Ramadan came to a close on Saturday and was celebrated with the Eid-ul-Fitr celebration (Festival of Breaking the Fast). Traditionally shared with friends and family, this year we celebrated at home. Despite staying at home, we still managed to enjoy the festivities.</p> <p><img class="u-imgRight" src="filemanager/Blog Images/rowsonara_father.jpg" alt="Selfie image taken of a lady and a man." width="150" height="auto" /></p> <h2>Do you know your rice?</h2> <p>Did you know that there are around 6,000 different varieties of rice cultivated in India. The most popular being Basmati rice. The name means “fragrance-filled” which means it’s particularly good to use in savoury dishes such as Biryani as well as complementing and enhancing the flavours of sauce-based curries by providing a unique nutty, warm base flavour.</p> <p>Every state of India has its own native rice varieties all offering many different nutritional benefits.</p> <h3>Here Are Four Of Our Favourites</h3> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Brown Rice</strong></span> – originated from southern India, it is also known as whole grain rice as only the husk is removed prior to cooking It is full of manganese, phosphorus, vitamin B6, fibre and selenium.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>White Rice</strong></span> – it is milled rice (also known as polished rice) that has had its husk, bran and germ removed which alters the flavour, texture and appearance. This process helps to preserve the rice and extends its shelf life. It is the most commonly consumed rice in India and it said to relieve digestive disorders.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Black Rice</strong></span> – is a rare and ancient variety of rice grown in the north east and southern parts of India. It is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, as well as packed with protein. This makes this rare rice punch above its weight in health benefits helping fight against heart conditions, cancer, Alzheimer’s as well as eye conditions.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Sticky Rice</strong></span> – popular in the north east of India, it is great for immunity and stimulating brain functionality. Also known as Glutinous rice, sweet rice or waxy rice due to its opaque grains which are very low in amylose making it sticky when cooked.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="filemanager/Blog Images/rice.jpg" alt="rice laid out on a white table." width="498" height="200" /></p> <p class="u-lead"><img class="u-imgFull" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="filemanager/Blog Images/rice_quote.jpg" alt="Quote about planning and educating." width="800" height="554" /></p> <p class="u-lead">If you like this article please share on our social media using the social share buttons. If you have any topics which you would like us to cover please feel free to <a title="Contact us" href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> Wed, 27 May 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Saffron takes time out to think of others and our wellbeing https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/saffron-takes-time-out-to-think-of-others-and-our-wellbeing https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/saffron-takes-time-out-to-think-of-others-and-our-wellbeing <p class="u-lead">As we move into the month of May we find ourselves still in Lockdown but with a glimmer of hope that there is light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. Many countries are starting to open up once more, schools are returning and people are returning to work. There is still much uncertainty for the UK when we will be able to open our doors again, in the meantime here at Saffron we thought we would share our news and give some food for thought.</p> <p><img class="u-imgRight" src="filemanager/Blog Images/may-06-2020/thumbnail_Union Jack.png" alt="Union jack with quote inside about ve day." width="811" height="532" /></p> <h2>VE Day</h2> <p>This year May Day has been moved to Friday 8th May to help us celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day. What better day to order a takeaway! We anticipate an increase in demand on this day so are taking food orders in advance to ensure that we are able to deliver to all our customers with limited delays. To place your order in advance please call us or <a title="Order Online" href="https://order.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/" target="_blank">order online</a>.</p> <h2>Ramadan Update</h2> <p>We continue to observe Ramadan this week and have been preparing some delicious meals each day. Here is an insight to some of the dishes we have been eating to break our fast and some pictures received from our followers.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Blog Images/may-06-2020/thumbnail_Ramadan meals.png" alt="Different indian foods side by side." width="910" height="497" /></p> <h2>Stars Appeal</h2> <p>We are lucky enough to be working with The Stars Appeal at Salisbury Hospital, which ensures our free meals reach those in need the most. On Monday, we successfully delivered 100 vegetable curries and pilau rice to the hospital. Check out our Facebook page for highlights of the day!</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Blog Images/may-06-2020/star_appeal.jpg" alt="Local charity donation of food for the stars appeal in salisbury." width="910" height="360" /></p> <h2>You are what you eat!</h2> <p>During this time, it is more important that ever to ensure you are eating the right food as this can affect your mental wellbeing as well as physical. Sticking to the principles of a “plate of three” will help your chances of getting the right levels of food in your daily diet.</p> <ul> <li>Half plate of vegetables</li> <li>Quarter plate of carbohydrates, such as rice or pasta</li> <li>Quarter plate of protein, such as meat, fish and lentils</li> </ul> <p>Spices used in curries have a surprising amount of health benefits too.</p> <h2>Did you know?</h2> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Blog Images/may-06-2020/thumbnail_You are what you eat.png" alt="Top health benefits about turmeric." width="910" height="603" /></p> <p>So, next time you are eating one of our curries, don’t feel like it is an indulgence, it’s good for you!</p> <h2>Giveaway Reminder</h2> <p>Just a reminder to people there is still time to enter our Giveaway competition to win your favourite Indian meal (incl. papadom, starter, main dish, rice and naan).</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Blog Images/may-06-2020/giveaway.png" alt="Curry rice and naan break on a table ready to be eaten." width="910" height="606" /></p> <p><strong>All you need to do is:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Like this blog post on Facebook</li> <li>Share this post on your Facebook page</li> <li>Upload a picture on Facebook of a curry dish from Saffron and comment what the dish is and use the hashtag #saffroncurry</li> </ul> <p>The winner will be picked at random and revealed on Facebook. We will then get in touch with the winner to take their order. Good Luck!</p> <p>All entries must be received no later than the Friday 8th May 2020.</p> <h2>On a final note</h2> <p>We love receiving feedback from our customers and thought we would share some of the positivity with you all.</p> <p class="u-lead">If you have a review you would like to share with us, please feel free to do so on our Facebook page or other social media channels such as Twitter or even create an Instagram story and tag us @saffronsalisbury.</p> <h3 class="u-lead">Stay safe everyone!</h3> Mon, 03 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Are you looking for a reason to order in? https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/are-you-looking-for-a-reason-to-order-in https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/are-you-looking-for-a-reason-to-order-in <p class="u-lead">As the evenings start to draw in and the endless days of sunshine are replaced by wind and rain, it is a perfect excuse to stay indoors and order a takeaway.</p> <p>At least with the new COVID restrictions you are still able to order a takeaway and share with a few friends and family members. Every cloud has a silver lining!</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Blog Images/Curry 1 Cropped.jpg" alt="" width="230" height="115" /></p> <p>At Saffron we continue to observe Government guidelines. We ask those customers collecting their orders to remember to wear their face mask, and we ask that only one person collects to help us maintain social distancing.</p> <p>We now display the NHS COVID Track and Trace QR code poster for you to scan upon entering. It is important for everyone to take the time to check-in for the safety of all our staff and clients.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/NHS 3 Cropped.png" alt="" width="196" height="98" /></p> <h2>It’s National Curry Week! 5th – 11th October 2020</h2> <p style="text-align: justify;"><img class="u-imgLeft" src="filemanager/National Curry week 4 Cropped.png" alt="" width="276" height="138" /></p> <p>If you needed an excuse to have a curry, look no further!</p> <p style="text-align: left;">This week is the 22nd annual National Curry Week; a chance to celebrate one of Britain’s favourite foods. Launched in 1998 this week was founded to help raise awareness and appreciation of the Indian restaurant industry, as well as raising money for charity.</p> <p>Visit their website <a href="https://www.nationalcurryweek.co.uk/">www.nationalcurryweek.co.uk </a>to see how you can get involved.</p> <h2> </h2> <h2> </h2> <h2> </h2> <h2>Ways to order</h2> <p>We now have numerous ways to order and pay for your food, making it easier for both our clients and staff.</p> <p>Here is a reminder:</p> <p><img src="filemanager/Saffron website 11 Cropped.png" alt="" width="83" height="83" />   On our website – visit our <a href="http://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk">www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk</a></p> <p><img src="filemanager/Mobile 5 Cropped.jpg" alt="" width="122" height="61" /> On our App – download our app for free on <img src="filemanager/googleplay_badge.svg" alt="" width="93" height="31" /> and <img src="filemanager/appstore_badge.svg" alt="" width="102" height="34" /></p> <p><img src="filemanager/Mobile 5 Cropped.jpg" alt="" width="2" height="1" /><img src="filemanager/Just Eat 9 Cropped.png" alt="" width="128" height="64" /> Just Eat – visit <a href="http://www.just-eat.co.uk">www.just-eat.co.uk</a></p> <p>☎️ By Phone – orders and payments can be taken over the phone 01722 238411 / 237334</p> <p><img src="filemanager/Shop 6 Cropped.jpg" alt="" width="110" height="55" />  Drop In – drop in and wait, although we prefer you to order in advance to save on waiting time and help with social distancing.</p> <h2>Sharing is caring!</h2> <p>Did you know that sharing a meal with others is fantastic for your mental health?</p> <p>It is one of the most important rituals practised by all cultures. It helps to confirm a sense of belonging, to be part of a community. It is an opportunity to stop and reflect on your day, listen, empathise and exchange ideas, values and opinions.</p> <p>Eating regularly with others provides a sense of rhythm and teaches children how to communicate; to learn the art of discussion and a chance to express themselves in a safe place.</p> <p>Engaging in conversation during meal times helps the body to absorb the nutrients from the food by slowing the eating process down, allowing the body the time it needs to digest.</p> <p>On 10th October 2020 we celebrate World Mental Health Day why not order a takeaway from us, relax and unwind and enjoy the benefits that sharing a meal together can bring.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" style="float: left;" src="filemanager/Curry 2 Cropped.jpg" alt="" width="196" height="98" /></p> <p>We love hearing from our customers; your feedback is really important to us.</p> <p>Feel free to leave your review on our Facebook page.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Testimonial v2 10 Cropped.png" alt="" width="344" height="172" /></p> <p>If you have any topics which you would like us to cover please feel free to contact us on <a href="mailto:saffron.salisbury@outlook.com">saffron.salisbury@outlook.com</a>.</p> <p class="u-lead">Stay safe everyone!</p> Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Happy New Year from Saffron Indian Takeaway! https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/happy-new-year-from-saffron-indian-takeaway https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/happy-new-year-from-saffron-indian-takeaway <p>2020 has come and gone, and we have dived into 2021 with a renewed sense of hope and optimism that the next 12 months will be better than the last. </p> <p>Following the implementation of a third National Lockdown last week, it would be easy to write this year off as a repeat of the challenges of 2020, but whilst the past months have been difficult for us all, we believe that kindness, compassion and community is the best way to overcome whatever difficulties continue to be thrown at us.</p> <p>Throughout the coming months, we will continue to provide our wonderful customers with delicious, high-quality food and compassionate customer service, so that hopefully, by this time next year, we can celebrate the new year together.</p> <p><strong>A big "Thank you"</strong></p> <p>We were fortunate to be very busy with customer orders over the festive period, which we cannot thank everyone enough for. </p> <p>We appreciate you for your patience during this busy period, and hope that the meals you ordered from us put a smile on your faces!</p> <p><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="filemanager/Saffron food 1 Cropped.jpg" alt="" width="389" height="292" /></p> <p><strong>The MTM Good Food Takeaway Awards</strong> </p> <p>Another bit of good news for us is that we were recently nominated for the ‘Good Food Takeaway Award’ at the MTM Awards, and we were thrilled to find out that we were chosen as one of 3 finalists!</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Nomination.jpeg" alt="" width="445" height="189" /></p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Takeaway Awards finalists Cropped.png" alt="" width="270" height="202" /></p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Fingers crossed 1 Cropped.jpg" alt="" width="533" height="399" /></p> <p>The awards were a little different this year as the event took place virtually due to the pandemic and resulting lockdown, though it was still a wonderful evening where we got to connect with so many thriving communities who were being recognised for their amazing achievements in 2020.</p> <p>We feel so lucky that we were one of those being recognised with a nomination, and even more thrilled to be chosen as finalists for the main awards evening.</p> <p>Roll on March!</p> <p><strong>Staying positive during Lockdown</strong></p> <p>At Saffron, we are not only in the business of providing a great quality food service, but we are passionate about delivering high standards of customer service as a way to create strong, lasting bonds with all of our customers – both new and existing.</p> <p>As people are once again confined to their homes for the good of the country and our wonderful NHS, we believe it is now more important than ever to stay connected, inspired, and to help each other through these times of strife, even if we are physically apart from each other.</p> <p>Here are 5 things that we think are very important to remember during lockdown:</p> <p><strong>· Routine</strong> – For many people with much more free time and less structure to their days, it’s easy to fall into habits that can have a detrimental effect on our mental health. Try to stick to regular sleeping and eating times, in particular, to give yourself some semblance of routine throughout the day.</p> <p><strong>· Exercise</strong> – Government guidelines state that exercise outdoors is permitted once per day and it’s beneficial to not only our physical health, but our mental health as well, to take advantage of that. Even a short, 30-minute walk to get a bit of fresh air can have great positive effects on your mood, and lets you get out of the house.</p> <p> <strong>· Connect</strong> – We are fortunate to live in an age where it is easy to stay connected with friends and family via technology. Reach out to people who might also be alone via phone or video call, as you are not only helping yourself, but them as well. Many apps also offer group calls, so you can get a whole group of people together.</p> <p><strong>· Support</strong> – Right now, restaurants, bars and shops are struggling to stay afloat – many without any support. If they continue to offer home delivery or takeaway services, why not treat yourself now and again to support your local community. We will miss them when they are gone if we don’t!</p> <p><strong>· Relax</strong> – Most importantly, allow yourself to have a break. We are living through perhaps the most challenging and difficult period of our lifetimes at the moment, so it’s important to prioritise relaxation and give yourself a break. Don’t put yourself under too much pressure – everyone needs a bit of ‘me’ time.</p> <p>If you are currently feeling overwhelmed, make sure you reach out to somebody to talk about how you’re feeling. This could be a loved one, your GP, or a mental health organisation. The following charities can offer support:</p> <p>Mind: <a href="https://www.mind.org.uk/">https://www.mind.org.uk/</a></p> <p>Samaritans: <a href="https://www.samaritans.org/">https://www.samaritans.org/ </a></p> <p>Young Minds – Support for younger people: <a href="https://youngminds.org.uk/">https://youngminds.org.uk/ </a></p> <p>Age UK – Support for older people: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/information-advice/</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Charity 1 Cropped.png" alt="" width="503" height="377" /> </p> <p>Most importantly – stay safe, be kind, and support other people so that we can come out of this stronger than before.</p> <p><strong>Ordering during Lockdown</strong></p> <p>At Saffron, we continue to observe government guidelines, and as a result we are currently unable to accept collection orders until further notice. Delivery service continues as usual, however we are taking extra precautions to ensure all our staff are well and practicing good hygiene, and that our premises are sanitised and clean.</p> <p>We kindly ask for your patience and cooperation whilst we try to accommodate our customers as best as possible, and thank you for your continued support.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Home Delivery Only Cropped.png" alt="" width="354" height="266" /></p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Saffron food 2 Cropped.jpg" alt="" width="352" height="263" /></p> <p><strong>Ways to order</strong></p> <p>There are numerous ways you can order from us, making it both easier and safer for customers and staff. You can order:</p> <p>On our website: Visit www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk </p> <p>On our app: Download our free app on Google Play and App Store</p> <p>On Just Eat: Visit www.just-eat.co.uk and then search for ‘Saffron Indian Takeaway’</p> <p>By phone: Orders and payments can be taken over the phone by calling 01722 238411 / 237334</p> <p>If you have not received an email accepting your order, then feel free to call us with your order number, name on the order, payment method and amount, and we can track it for you!</p> <p><strong>Want to collaborate with us?</strong></p> <p>If you wish to collaborate with us, email us at saffron.salisbury@outlook.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.</p> <p>Stay safe everyone!</p> Tue, 12 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Free Meals for City Hall Volunteers https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/free-meals-for-city-hall-volunteers https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/free-meals-for-city-hall-volunteers <p class="article-first-paragraph">50 free meals consisting of vegetable curries and rice were delivered to the NHS staff and volunteers at the City Hall on Thursday 25 February 2021.</p> <p>The meals were provided for vaccine volunteers "as a way of saying thank you".</p> <p>Rowsonara Begum, from the takeaway, said: “The success of providing hot meals to the hospital workers during the first lockdown has given us the confidence to offer this service as our way of saying thank you once more.</p> <p>"We thank Salisbury District Council for this opportunity and hope that our meals help refuel our army of volunteers and NHS workers.</p> <p>Also, many thanks to the High Sheriff of Wiltshire Major General Ashley Truluck CB CBE who was very helpful in coordinating this arrangement for us and has been encouraging and supportive throughout the planning process.</p> <p>We hope to provide assistance to the volunteers on a fortnightly basis.</p> <p> <img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Blog Images/To Our Army of Volunteers.jpg" alt="" width="678" height="960" /></p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Copy Dad and Saffron bags Cropped.jpg" alt="" width="1137" height="599" /></p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/High Sheriff City Hall Cropped.jpg" alt="" width="1177" height="620" /></p> Sun, 28 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 A beautiful sunny day delivering 50 meals to the City Hall volunteers! https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/a-beautiful-sunny-day-delivering-50-meals-to-the-city-hall-volunteers https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/a-beautiful-sunny-day-delivering-50-meals-to-the-city-hall-volunteers <p>Today we successfully delivered a further batch of 50 vegetable curries to Salisbury City Hall! </p> <p>We would like to express our thanks to the volunteers for their hard work. Also thank you from Saffron Management to the Saffron staff for being a valuable asset to the team!</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/City Hall volunteering 2 Cropped.jpg" alt="" width="610" height="610" /></p> <p>#TeamSaffron #saffronindiantakeaway #curry #indian #food4nhs #vaccination #volunteers #salisbury #wiltshire</p> Thu, 01 Apr 2021 00:00:00 +0000 New menu launching tomorrow! https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/new-menu-launching-tomorrow https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/new-menu-launching-tomorrow <p>We will be releasing our new menu tomorrow with some new dishes!</p> <p>Please note, there will also be price increases to reflect the resources and service that we provide. The price increase will help to maintain the quality of our products and services.</p> <p>Following the change of menu, our website and third party ordering platform will be updated.</p> <p>We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your custom and express our appreciation for your loyalty over the years, and we look forward to receiving your orders.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Saffron website 11 Cropped.png" alt="" width="492" height="369" /></p> Wed, 09 Jun 2021 00:00:00 +0000 British Curry Day - funds raised for Wiltshire Community Foundation https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/british-curry-day-cheque-presentation https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/british-curry-day-cheque-presentation <p>We had the pleasure of presenting a cheque for the proceeds raised to Wiltshire Community Foundation in support of British Curry Day which was on 1st December 2021. This was in memory of our forefathers and the curry pioneers that established the Nations favourite dish and to celebrate the 50th Bangladesh independence anniversary.</p> <p>£1 was donated for every Chicken Tikka Masalla sold during the month of December to HM Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire's nominated charity by businesses in Wiltshire, which included our establishment.</p> <p>Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire Mrs Sarah Rose Troughton nominated Wiltshire Community Foundation to disperse the funds to support local climate youth clubs. Unfortunately, she was unable to be present at the event due to a Royal visit but one of her Deputy Lieutenant Mrs Clare Garrett presented the cheque for the proceeds raised to Ashley Truluck CB, CBE - Chairman of the Foundation.</p> <p>We would like to thank all our customers who placed orders from us to support us with this cause.</p> <p><img class="i09qtzwb n7fi1qx3 datstx6m pmk7jnqg j9ispegn kr520xx4 k4urcfbm" src="https://scontent-lcy1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/276134814_5070689996330772_4022112024873368225_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p600x600&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=k2YGGunzQuYAX_fBXtr&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-1.xx&oh=00_AT8cf3az6eiYiSq1bvNq_cqRJ1C-UQxFlCqR9Qvae7jIjw&oe=623F327B" alt="" /><img class="i09qtzwb n7fi1qx3 datstx6m pmk7jnqg j9ispegn kr520xx4 k4urcfbm" src="https://scontent-lcy1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/276075818_5070690086330763_2461708499348412023_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=7c7SgwQAM8kAX8iMoQF&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-1.xx&oh=00_AT-Cg2Nawtj70FwXfybrZ8FCL9SONBwEvQX70tckouh6Bg&oe=623E56C3" alt="" /></p> Tue, 22 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Menu changes coming soon https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/menu-pricing-change https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/menu-pricing-change <p>We will be releasing our new menu soon with a few new dishes! Please keep an eye out for this.</p> <p>Please also note, the prices will soon fluctuate due to our suppliers increasing costs and to reflect the resources and service that we provide.</p> <p>Following the change of menu, our website and third party ordering platform will be updated.</p> <p>We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your custom and express our appreciation for your loyalty over the years, and we look forward to receiving your orders.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Saffron website 11 Cropped.png" alt="" width="492" height="369" /></p> Tue, 29 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 New menu now available - due to go live 6 April 2022! https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/new-menu-now-available-due-to-go-live-6-april-2022 https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/new-menu-now-available-due-to-go-live-6-april-2022 <p>Following our recent announcement regarding our new menu, we confirm this has been scheduled to launch and take effect from Wednesday 6 April 2022.</p> <p>In the meantime, the menu is available for you to view below.</p> <p>If you have any queries, please email <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="mailto:saffron.salisbury@outlook.com">saffron.salisbury@outlook.com</a></span> or complete the <a title="Enquiry form" href="contact">Enquiry form</a> via our website. </p> <p><a href="downloads/saffron-menu-2022-pdf-version.pdf" target="_blank">Download our menu</a></p> <p>Many thanks for your understanding.</p> <p>Saffron Team</p> <p> </p> Thu, 31 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Saffron team member attends Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/saffron-team-member-attends-royal-garden-party-at-buckingham-palace https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/saffron-team-member-attends-royal-garden-party-at-buckingham-palace <p>Our team member Rowsonara Begum, received an invitation to attend Her Majesty the Queen's Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday 25 May 2022. This is in recognition of her services via Saffron Indian Takeaway to the local community and other voluntary work during the COVID-19 pandemic.</p> <p><img src="filemanager/Portrait Cropped 1.jpg" alt="" width="957" height="957" /></p> <p>Rowsonara commented, "the palace gardens was so beautiful and it was nice to talk to inspiring people from different walks of life and hear about their journeys. The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton and Prince Williams attended and talked to the crowd.</p> <p>The food was lovely, from Indian Summer Wrap, traditional scone with blackcurrant jam and clotted cream to smoke salmon and lemon cream cheese mini bagel".</p> <p><img src="filemanager/Food Cropped 1.jpg" alt="" width="1793" height="897" /></p> <p>Despite the rainy weather, Rowsonara said that everyone was in high spirits. She further commented "this was a once in a lifetime experience especially as I had the opportunity of attending during the Platinum Jubilee year. I never thought I'd experience something like this in my life. It is such a privilege and honour to receive this and I thank my team and family at Saffron for their hard work and dedication to help the serve the community in Salisbury during the COVID-19 pandemic and the NHS staff".</p> <p>Saffron Indian Takeaway are continuing to offer discounts to NHS staff since the pandemic, on presentation of valid IDs. Please contact Saffron on 01722 238411 for discount codes and enquiries.</p> Thu, 26 May 2022 00:00:00 +0000