<![CDATA[Blog]]> https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/rss Our Blog en Wed, 19 Mar 2025 09:42:24 +0000 Saffron team member attends Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/saffron-team-member-attends-royal-garden-party-at-buckingham-palace https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/saffron-team-member-attends-royal-garden-party-at-buckingham-palace <p>Our team member Rowsonara Begum, received an invitation to attend Her Majesty the Queen's Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday 25 May 2022. This is in recognition of her services via Saffron Indian Takeaway to the local community and other voluntary work during the COVID-19 pandemic.</p> <p><img src="filemanager/Portrait Cropped 1.jpg" alt="" width="957" height="957" /></p> <p>Rowsonara commented, "the palace gardens was so beautiful and it was nice to talk to inspiring people from different walks of life and hear about their journeys. The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton and Prince Williams attended and talked to the crowd.</p> <p>The food was lovely, from Indian Summer Wrap, traditional scone with blackcurrant jam and clotted cream to smoke salmon and lemon cream cheese mini bagel".</p> <p><img src="filemanager/Food Cropped 1.jpg" alt="" width="1793" height="897" /></p> <p>Despite the rainy weather, Rowsonara said that everyone was in high spirits. She further commented "this was a once in a lifetime experience especially as I had the opportunity of attending during the Platinum Jubilee year. I never thought I'd experience something like this in my life. It is such a privilege and honour to receive this and I thank my team and family at Saffron for their hard work and dedication to help the serve the community in Salisbury during the COVID-19 pandemic and the NHS staff".</p> <p>Saffron Indian Takeaway are continuing to offer discounts to NHS staff since the pandemic, on presentation of valid IDs. Please contact Saffron on 01722 238411 for discount codes and enquiries.</p> Thu, 26 May 2022 00:00:00 +0000 New menu now available - due to go live 6 April 2022! https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/new-menu-now-available-due-to-go-live-6-april-2022 https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/new-menu-now-available-due-to-go-live-6-april-2022 <p>Following our recent announcement regarding our new menu, we confirm this has been scheduled to launch and take effect from Wednesday 6 April 2022.</p> <p>In the meantime, the menu is available for you to view below.</p> <p>If you have any queries, please email <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="mailto:saffron.salisbury@outlook.com">saffron.salisbury@outlook.com</a></span> or complete the <a title="Enquiry form" href="contact">Enquiry form</a> via our website. </p> <p><a href="downloads/saffron-menu-2022-pdf-version.pdf" target="_blank">Download our menu</a></p> <p>Many thanks for your understanding.</p> <p>Saffron Team</p> <p> </p> Thu, 31 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Menu changes coming soon https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/menu-pricing-change https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/menu-pricing-change <p>We will be releasing our new menu soon with a few new dishes! Please keep an eye out for this.</p> <p>Please also note, the prices will soon fluctuate due to our suppliers increasing costs and to reflect the resources and service that we provide.</p> <p>Following the change of menu, our website and third party ordering platform will be updated.</p> <p>We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your custom and express our appreciation for your loyalty over the years, and we look forward to receiving your orders.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Saffron website 11 Cropped.png" alt="" width="492" height="369" /></p> Tue, 29 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 British Curry Day - funds raised for Wiltshire Community Foundation https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/british-curry-day-cheque-presentation https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/british-curry-day-cheque-presentation <p>We had the pleasure of presenting a cheque for the proceeds raised to Wiltshire Community Foundation in support of British Curry Day which was on 1st December 2021. This was in memory of our forefathers and the curry pioneers that established the Nations favourite dish and to celebrate the 50th Bangladesh independence anniversary.</p> <p>£1 was donated for every Chicken Tikka Masalla sold during the month of December to HM Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire's nominated charity by businesses in Wiltshire, which included our establishment.</p> <p>Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire Mrs Sarah Rose Troughton nominated Wiltshire Community Foundation to disperse the funds to support local climate youth clubs. Unfortunately, she was unable to be present at the event due to a Royal visit but one of her Deputy Lieutenant Mrs Clare Garrett presented the cheque for the proceeds raised to Ashley Truluck CB, CBE - Chairman of the Foundation.</p> <p>We would like to thank all our customers who placed orders from us to support us with this cause.</p> <p><img class="i09qtzwb n7fi1qx3 datstx6m pmk7jnqg j9ispegn kr520xx4 k4urcfbm" src="https://scontent-lcy1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/276134814_5070689996330772_4022112024873368225_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p600x600&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=k2YGGunzQuYAX_fBXtr&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-1.xx&oh=00_AT8cf3az6eiYiSq1bvNq_cqRJ1C-UQxFlCqR9Qvae7jIjw&oe=623F327B" alt="" /><img class="i09qtzwb n7fi1qx3 datstx6m pmk7jnqg j9ispegn kr520xx4 k4urcfbm" src="https://scontent-lcy1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/276075818_5070690086330763_2461708499348412023_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=7c7SgwQAM8kAX8iMoQF&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-1.xx&oh=00_AT-Cg2Nawtj70FwXfybrZ8FCL9SONBwEvQX70tckouh6Bg&oe=623E56C3" alt="" /></p> Tue, 22 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 New menu launching tomorrow! https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/new-menu-launching-tomorrow https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/new-menu-launching-tomorrow <p>We will be releasing our new menu tomorrow with some new dishes!</p> <p>Please note, there will also be price increases to reflect the resources and service that we provide. The price increase will help to maintain the quality of our products and services.</p> <p>Following the change of menu, our website and third party ordering platform will be updated.</p> <p>We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your custom and express our appreciation for your loyalty over the years, and we look forward to receiving your orders.</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Saffron website 11 Cropped.png" alt="" width="492" height="369" /></p> Wed, 09 Jun 2021 00:00:00 +0000 A beautiful sunny day delivering 50 meals to the City Hall volunteers! https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/a-beautiful-sunny-day-delivering-50-meals-to-the-city-hall-volunteers https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/a-beautiful-sunny-day-delivering-50-meals-to-the-city-hall-volunteers <p>Today we successfully delivered a further batch of 50 vegetable curries to Salisbury City Hall! </p> <p>We would like to express our thanks to the volunteers for their hard work. Also thank you from Saffron Management to the Saffron staff for being a valuable asset to the team!</p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/City Hall volunteering 2 Cropped.jpg" alt="" width="610" height="610" /></p> <p>#TeamSaffron #saffronindiantakeaway #curry #indian #food4nhs #vaccination #volunteers #salisbury #wiltshire</p> Thu, 01 Apr 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Free Meals for City Hall Volunteers https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/free-meals-for-city-hall-volunteers https://www.saffronsalisbury.co.uk/blog/free-meals-for-city-hall-volunteers <p class="article-first-paragraph">50 free meals consisting of vegetable curries and rice were delivered to the NHS staff and volunteers at the City Hall on Thursday 25 February 2021.</p> <p>The meals were provided for vaccine volunteers "as a way of saying thank you".</p> <p>Rowsonara Begum, from the takeaway, said: “The success of providing hot meals to the hospital workers during the first lockdown has given us the confidence to offer this service as our way of saying thank you once more.</p> <p>"We thank Salisbury District Council for this opportunity and hope that our meals help refuel our army of volunteers and NHS workers.</p> <p>Also, many thanks to the High Sheriff of Wiltshire Major General Ashley Truluck CB CBE who was very helpful in coordinating this arrangement for us and has been encouraging and supportive throughout the planning process.</p> <p>We hope to provide assistance to the volunteers on a fortnightly basis.</p> <p> <img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Blog Images/To Our Army of Volunteers.jpg" alt="" width="678" height="960" /></p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/Copy Dad and Saffron bags Cropped.jpg" alt="" width="1137" height="599" /></p> <p><img class="u-imgFull" src="filemanager/High Sheriff City Hall Cropped.jpg" alt="" width="1177" height="620" /></p> Sun, 28 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000