We had the pleasure of presenting a cheque for the proceeds raised to Wiltshire Community Foundation in support of British Curry Day which was on 1st December 2021. This was in memory of our forefathers and the curry pioneers that established the Nations favourite dish and to celebrate the 50th Bangladesh independence anniversary.
£1 was donated for every Chicken Tikka Masalla sold during the month of December to HM Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire's nominated charity by businesses in Wiltshire, which included our establishment.
Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire Mrs Sarah Rose Troughton nominated Wiltshire Community Foundation to disperse the funds to support local climate youth clubs. Unfortunately, she was unable to be present at the event due to a Royal visit but one of her Deputy Lieutenant Mrs Clare Garrett presented the cheque for the proceeds raised to Ashley Truluck CB, CBE - Chairman of the Foundation.
We would like to thank all our customers who placed orders from us to support us with this cause.